Friday, September 28, 2007

Youngsters Foil Burglary

Eleven-year-old Alex Padron discusses current events in school each week, but he's never had a story like this.

Alex and his brother, Armando Padron Jr., 13, were home alone Thursday when three men burglarized their house, Tampa police said. The boys hid in a closet and called 911. Police responded quickly and caught the three men nearby.

"I'm very proud of them. Very proud. Because, of course, you start thinking of the worst," their mother, Vivian Padron, 41, said Friday.

Padron works for the Department of Children & Families. Her husband, Armando, owns the Fourth of July Cafe at 1611 N. Howard Ave. Both parents were at work Thursday while their sons, who are on vacation from St. Lawrence Catholic School, played video games at home on West Farwell Drive.

Friday, September 14, 2007

Burglars break in through rooftops

Burglars are going to great heights to break-into Albany businesses, through the roof. Business-owners along West Broad Avenue reported to police at least three different attempted roof-top burglaries in the past week.

The latest roof-top break-in police responded to is at Daddy Records on West Broad Avenue. It happened sometime late Thursday night to early Friday morning.

The burglars entered through the roof and made a big hole in the ceiling to gain access to the store. It is the same way burglars entered into the 229 Fashions store, right up the road.

The owner of 229 Fashions Tim Shelton says it's not easy starting a business in Albany from the ground up. And the challenges are magnified when criminals strike.

"It hurt you know because I work real hard.